Thursday, June 2, 2011

Greetings everyone!
It looks like we are jumping right into summer with temps in the 90's this week. It is quite a change, but the drying weather has allowed us to get some major weeding done and continue some planting that was put on hold during the rains last week. This week was also the start of two markets for us - Sioux Center market and the Wednesday market at Sioux City. We have been watching the news closely regarding flooding in the Sioux City area and hope that everything will go well for our customers and friends who may be suffering from flood damage.

This week in your share.....

New Carrots - always a marvel to pull those first tender slim carrots - eat them raw - or give your dinner plate a gourmet look by trimming the top to 1" and lightly steaming.
Green Butterhead Lettuce
Red Butterhead Lettuce
Purple Kohlrabi - these are just beautiful this year. Peel the "bulb" and snack on it raw, lightly sprinkled with salt or dipped in your favorite dressing. The leaves may be cooked, chopped into salads etc. Use them like you would cabbage leaves.
Hakurei Turnips - best eaten raw, and the tops are great cooked or raw in salads
Swiss Chard - great on a sandwich, steamed, chopped and tossed with pasta, fabulous in a "green smoothie" boost your veggie intake.

This week Full shares will also receive....
Shallots - a.k.a. green onions - great fresh or added to your favorite cooked dish - stir the green part into some sour cream or cream cheese for a flavorful dip addition.
Spinach - this will be the last picking of this round of spinach while we wait for the next bed to size up and mature. Spinach lasagna anyone?

Have a great week!

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