Monday, July 27, 2009

The Cornucopia Carrot Vol. 3, Issue 12

Greetings to you all,

It has been a beautiful week of warmer temperatures and sunshine. It almost seems odd to have to think about watering again - most vegetables need at least 1" of rain per week. We have been busy harvesting, but also doing a lot of planting seeds and transplants for fall.

Our biggest job this past week was harvesting the garlic. We are happy to report that it is all hanging and drying nicely. John and I were both amazed at the rate of drying over the weekend. This weekend we rushed home from market and set off for Kanawha, Iowa - about 150 miles - to a tour (sponsored by Practical Farmers of Iowa) at the farm of our mentors. We had an enjoyable evening visiting.

In your basket this week....

Zucchini - nice standard green zukes great for cooking and baking. If you have extra, you can always grate it up and freeze it to save for soups later on.

Cucumbers - Yummy! crispy and delicious

Cherry Tomatoes

Potatoes - Kerr's Pink

Green Beans -

Green Peppers - first of the season!

Garlic -

Whole shares will also include Red Cabbage this week.

Have a Great Week!

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